We aim to organise and deliver activities that will provide benefits to those unemployed, (or at risk of) those feeling excluded or feeling disadvantaged in the job market; complimenting support to those seeking work whether in the creative industry or through other traditional routes
We want to also focus on the understanding of the opportunities within the creative industry.
New Beginnings Creative CIC support service includes:
- Providing training, advice and signposting, to help improve the employment opportunities in traditional and non-traditional areas; also, very much focused within the creative industry
- Personalised Careers Information Advice & Guidance (CIAG)
- Effective case management, including the delivery of 1-1, CIAG, Action Planning, Reviewing Progress, implementing appropriate Emotional Resilience Instilling Life & Employability skills
- Careers Events
- Job Clubs
- Bespoke Mentoring support 1-1/Group for inactive individuals with multiple and complex needs.
- Creative events, conference, training seminars, festivals, local fetes, and community events.